Ellen Van Oosten, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Case Western Reserve University


Ellen B. Van Oosten, PhD. is Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Faculty Director for Executive Education at Case Western Reserve University.  She is also the Director of the Coaching Research Lab at Case which she founded in 2014 along with Richard Boyatzis and Melvin Smith.

Dr. Van Oosten’s research centers upon executive coaching, emotional and social competence, leadership assessment and development and positive relationships at work.  Ellen is curious about how leaders and managers develop in organizations  and the role of emotional intelligence and coaching within that process, the structures and mechanisms being leveraged to facilitate development, the process by which personal leadership transformation occurs and endures and possible and anticipated outcomes.

As an instructor, she teaches in the Executive MBA, MBA, Law and Masters of Engineering Management Programs at Case and regularly delivers non-degree workshops in coaching, emotional intelligence, leadership vision and leadership assessment and development to managers and executives.  Ellen has published scholarly and practitioner articles which cover topics such as executive coaching, coaching for sustained individual change and leadership.

Ellen has a PhD in Organizational Behavior and a MBA degree from Case Western Reserve University and a BS in in Electrical Engineering.


Kenworthy, A., Passarelli, A., & Van Oosten, E. (2014).  Introduction: Coaching and Positive
Emotions-Explanatory Collaborations of Resources in Health and Wellbeing Domains, Vol 13, Issue 2, p. 290-292.

Van Oosten, E. and Kram, K.  (2014). Coaching for Change. Academy of Management, Learning
& Education, Vol 13, Issue 2, p. 295-298.

Boyatzis, R., Smith, M., Van Oosten, E. & Woolford, L. (2013).  Developing resonant leaders
through emotional intelligence, vision and coaching.  Organizational Dynamics, Vol 42,

Boyatzis, R., Smith, M. & Van Oosten, E. (2010).  Le coaching compatissant: allie de la
santé et du renouveau.  Gestion Journal, Vol 35, Numero 3, pp. 41-46.

Smith, M., Van Oosten, E., & Boyatzis, R.E. (2009).  Coaching for sustained desired change. 
In R. Woodman, W. Pasmore,  & A. Shani, (Eds).  Research in Organization Development and Change, Vol 17, pp. 145-174.

Van Oosten, E.B., (2006). Intentional change theory at the organizational level:  a case study. Journal of Management Development, Vol 25,  pp. 707-717.

Boyatzis, R.E. and Van Oosten, E., (2003).  Developing Leaders with EmotionalIntelligence and The Emotionally Intelligent Organization. Ivey Business Journal (on-line magazine), University of Western Ontario.

Boyatzis, R.E. and Van Oosten, E., (2003). Developing Leaders with Emotional Intelligence and The Emotionally Intelligent Organization. Greek Management Journal.

Book Chapters

Boyatzis, R., Smith, M. and Van Oosten, E. (2011).  Coaching for sustained, desired change: Building relationships and talent.  In L.A. Berger and D. R. Berger (Eds.).  The Talent Management Handbook (2nd Edition).

McGraw-Hill, pp. 217-226. Glavas, A., Jules, C., Van Oosten, E. (2006).  Use of self in creating a culture of collaboration.  In S. Schuman (Ed).  Creating a Culture of Collaboration, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 304-318.

Boyatzis, R.E., Frick, C. and Van Oosten, E. (2003).  Developing Leaders Throughout an Entire Organization by Developing Emotional Intelligence Competencies. In L.A. Berger and D. R.  Berger. (Eds.). The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Positioning High-Potential Talent. NY: McGraw Hill, pp. 347-338.







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